Download mods for Minecraft

p455w0rd's Library [1.12.2] [1.12.1] [1.12] [1.11.2] [1.10.2]


p455w0rd's Library-a library of quite popular mods from the author TheRealp455w0rd it allows you to reduce the size of the finished mod by compressing and it also combines many methods and functions of the author's modifications for ease of operation

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Tumbleweed [1.20.1] [1.19.4] [1.19.3] [1.16.5] [1.12.2]


Desert walks are completely changed thanks to the Tumbleweed mod. You will always be in pursuit of the tumbleweed that emerges from the dead bushes. Catch a plant that moves randomly through the desert and even beyond, running into other biomes. Different plants have different travel speeds. Some are fast, others are somewhat inhibited. By destroying the tumbleweed, you’ll become the owner of the reward of useful items such a threads, feathers, cocoa beans and others.

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WrapUp [1.12.2] [1.12.1] [1.12] [1.11.2] [1.11.1]


WrapUp is a special mod for users who actively use various mods and libraries. With this add-on, you will be able to significantly speed up the installation of your new files that are needed for a comfortable game. There is nothing difficult about this, you just can save a lot of time during the installation process.

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WitherCrumbs [1.12.2] [1.10.2] [1.7.10]


The Wither is the most dangerous and huge boss in the vastness of Minecraft. WIth WitherCrumbs mod you’ll be able to use the most different and interesting controls that will allow you to change the parameters and appearance of the boss. Thanks to this mod, you can use the boss for a variety of purposes. And how exactly it can be used is up to your imagination.

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Triumph [1.12.2] [1.12.1] [1.12] [1.7.10]


Triumph is a mod that can catch the attention of assembly creators. It allows you to generate your own “trees” of achievements using the settings files in the “config” folder. You can completely remove vanilla achievements or simply add new elements to them. So if you wanna change Minecraft in a picture of your own vision you definitely need to download Triumph!

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More Furnaces [1.12.2] [1.12.1] [1.12] [1.11.2] [1.11]


Got tired of standard stoves? Want a variety like in the IronChests fashion? The MoreFurnaces mod adds to the game furnaces of five different materials to the game (iron, gold, diamonds, obsidian, hellstone). Each of them has its own characteristics, such as increased processing speed of raw materials, additional slots, or the ability to melt two things at the same time. The mod requires the CXLibrary library to work.

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Tough As Nails [1.20.2] [1.20.1] [1.19.4] [1.19.3] [1.19.3]


Tough As Nails is an amazing mod that provides a change of seasons in Minecraft, from green leaves to white snow. With that mod, your character’s life will be cut down by 50%, so try not to waste it. With Tough As Nails you can adjust the temperature of your character. It became lower by immersion in water and increase when you get back to shore. Also, that mod contains a sufficient number of useful items. Like a bonfire, for example.

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Big Reactors [1.7.10] [1.6.4]


Big Reactors is a great mod that makes it possible to build a large reactor with further power generation. With that mod, you can create reactors that will increase energy production greatly. A large reactor has a cyclic fuel supply, so you have the opportunity to supply it with a huge amount of fuel and reserve energy. But you will need a lot of resources to build a large reactor!

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Fabric API [1.20.3] [1.20.2] [1.20.1] [1.19.4] [1.18.2]


Fabric API is a mod that can provide the foundation for your new gaming adventure. This mod gives you a lot of various tools for Minecraft and improves production. You can craft new things and accomplish needed results by using these tools in various combinations. Factories and simple production lines will now become much more functional!

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Trumpet Skeleton [1.12.2] [1.12.1] [1.12]


Trumpet Skeleton mod adds a new skeleton armed with a pipe instead of a bow. But that doesn’t mean that it’s harmless. While walking through the dark forest, you may hear strange sounds and eerie music. Later you see that that’s skeleton playing the trumpet. After defeating the skeleton, you can take possess its weapon and use it in battle. Note that the pipe does not require any ammo, unlike the bow.

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